How to use

Convert a Verilog design to FIRRTL

LABS is implemented inside the FIRRTL compiler. Thus, Verilog to FIRRTL conversion is needed. Yosys, a framework for RTL synthesis, supports this conversion and is used in this framework. LABS provides a TCL script to automate the conversion inside yosys_script.tcl. The script can also be modified based on your needs. To input a number of files to Yosys, an asterisk can also be used, for example /path/*, to provide all files inside the path to Yosys.

Before installing yosys, please run git checkout yosys-0.10 in the yosys directory. Other yosys versions may have some errors with the script in LABS. Also, run patch -p0 -i update.patch in the labs directory to update the perfect directory as it has some old incompatible commands.

cd labs
./labs -a yosys -i <your_design_name>.v -c yosys_script.tcl -d <output_directory>

Convert a Chisel3 design to FIRRTL

Similarly, a Chisel3 design is required to be converted to FIRRTL. As Chisel3 is integrated inside the FIRRTL compiler, this can be done by calling the function in the Chisel3 library. You can add the code below and call sbt. For newer Chisel3, this might be different. Take a look at the Chisel3 API documentation to learn more.

import chisel3._
object Driver extends App {
  chisel3.Driver.toFirrtl(chisel3.Driver.elaborate(() => new <your_top_design_class>(<parameters>)))

Integrate hardware-based redundancy

The command below integrates a hardware-based redundancy technique to a FIRRTL file. Note that -d and -x arguments are optional. The default values of -d and -x are the current directory and verilog, respectively. Normally, “-x low” is used when more than one redundancy techniques are used, which informs LABS to generate a low FIRRTL instead of a Verilog file that can be rerun with the same command to add another redundancy technique or add fault injection components.

cd labs
./labs -a protect -i <your_design_name>.fir -c <your_configuration_file>.anno.json -d <output_directory> -x <low/verilog>

Integrate fault injection components to a design

The command below integrates a fault controller and injector to a FIRRTL file.

cd labs
./labs -a inject -i <your_design_name>.fir -c <your_configuration_file>.anno.json -d <output_directory> -x <low/verilog>